For renters and landlord

When is the remittance date?
If you are using a storage agency, the remittance date varies depending on the product plan. Please contact the real estate company first of all, as the remittance date for each contract is described on the remittance statement to the real estate company. If the real estate company cannot confirm, please contact us from the inquiry form.
If you report on delinquency report or advance payment invoice, etc., we will send money on the following schedule according to the date of reporting from the real estate company to our company.Report date Remittance date From 1st to 5th, 5th, 5:00 p.m. Report date and 15th of the same month From 5:00 p.m. on The 5th to 5:00 p.m. on The 15th Report date and 25th of the same month From 17:00 on the 15th until the end of the month 15th of the month following the report date I want to change the account I send money to.
It is necessary to submit a notification of change in contract from the real estate company. Please tell the real estate company about the changes.
There was a change in the contents of the contract such as rent.
It is necessary to submit a notification of change in contract from the real estate company. Please tell the real estate company about the changes.
What should I do if the contractor does not deposit the rent by the deadline?
After the real estate company submits a delinquent report and provisional deposit invoice, we will make a transfer.
First of all, please tell the real estate company the situation. Please refer to the table below for the remittance date.Report date Remittance date From 1st to 5th, 5th, 5:00 p.m. Report date and 15th of the same month From 5:00 p.m. on The 5th to 5:00 p.m. on The 15th Report date and 25th of the same month From 17:00 on the 15th until the end of the month 15th of the month following the report date What is the warranty?
The warranty details vary depending on the product plan. Please contact
us by phone or using the inquiry form.May I discuss with the contractor about the date of payment of the delinquent rent?
If you allow installment payment or extension of payment deadline for rent that did not pay by the contract date under the lease agreement, it will be exempted, so you will not be able to make a transfer. Leave all the discussions with your subscribers to us.
In the unlikely event that you have a payment discussion with the contractor, please contact us by phone or via the inquiry form to confirm the status.How do you make a dunning?
First of all, I will listen to the contractors.
On top of that, we propose a reasonable deposit plan to the subscriber and aim for a situation where the rent can be deposited on time.
In addition, depending on the situation, please be assured that we will cooperate with the attorney's office and respond thoroughly to legal compliance.I want to deal directly with Ells Support without going through a real estate company.
In order to use our warranty service, you need to apply through a real estate company that has a business consignment agreement with us. Please contact
us from a real estate company or from the inquiry form.
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